The Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy School at St. Coletta’s of Illinois is a non-public, therapeutic day program for students with a variety of disabilities. We are Illinois State Board of Education certified and work with school districts from the south, southwest and western suburbs. Tuition is paid for by the referring school districts as determined by the Illinois State Board of Education.
In the continuum of services for eligible students, federal and state laws allow programming options for students who may require exceptional educational and clinical intervention to meet their needs. Therapeutic day school programs, approved under Section 14-7.02 of the School Code, help serve and promote the continuation and improvement of Individualized Education Program (IEP) services for these students with disabilities.
Typically, students placed in non-public programs have severe and complicated clinical and educational needs that may cause public school districts to refer their students to a therapeutic day school after exploring other public options. These placements can be short (i.e. one semester), or last for longer stretches (i.e. multiple years).
Students, ages 3-22, are admitted to the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy School at St. Coletta’s of Illinois throughout the year without date restrictions. Our staff works year-round and is always available to discuss admissions with potential new students and their families.
If you would like more information on enrolling your child with Kennedy School, please call 708-342-5200 or email us at info@stcil.org
Students, ages 3-21, are admitted to the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy School at St. Coletta's of Illinois throughout the year without date restrictions
Our staff works year-round and is always available to discuss admissions with potential new students and their families
We work with school districts from the south, southwest and western suburbs, including Southland College Prep, Oaklawn-Hometown District 123 and Lansing District 158
Tuition is paid for by the referring school districts, as determined by the Illinois State Board of Education
If you would like more information about enrolling your child with Kennedy School, please contact Dawn Angelini, director of education, at 708-342-5200 or email us at info@stcil.org